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Sabato, 29 Marzo 2025
Avangarden 3 Brasov

Alberghi economici Bucarest

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Home   /  Bucarest Hotels   /  HOTEL Herastrau
Category: *** Address:
Phone: +4 021 232 96 66
Campi da tennis Sala da gioco
Centro fitness Massaggi
Sauna Noleggio motoscafo
Terrazza/giardino coperto Bar
Ristorante Prima colazione
Parcheggio privato Fon in bagno

Hotel Herastrau, Bucarest, Romania

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  Hotel Herastrau Bucarest - Room Rates
Double (single occ) Matrimoniale Appartamento 2 camere-Superior Bungalow Duplex Duplex (1 persona)
Tutto l'anno 89€ 99€ 149€ 154€ 99€ 89€
* prices are per night / room
Rate room includes: VAT, Tassa di albergo, Prima colazione
Optional: Trasferimento dal Aeroporto-un viaggio (25€), Trasferimento dal Aeroporto-andata e ritorno (50€)
Fotografia 1 di Hotel Herastrau Bucarest Fotografia 2 di Hotel Herastrau Bucarest Fotografia 3 di Hotel Herastrau Bucarest Fotografia 4 di Hotel Herastrau Bucarest Fotografia 5 di Hotel Herastrau Bucarest
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  Hotel description
���Herastrau Tourist and Hotel Complex is one of the most attractive accommodation units in Bucharest due to low rates and to interetsing activities to be held in.
���Herastrau Restaurant, supplying more than 2000 seats, comprises 6 saloons, out of which easy has its own specific, beside the general lovely and intimate outlook.
���Summer gardens are arranged as covered terraces inside the complex, on the lake shore and on the floating bridge near the shore.
���2 Ship Restaurant offer 60 seats each. Those can also be rented no matter how many persons, at 100�/tour, a tour being up to 40 minutes.
���Entertainment facilities, are offered no matter the season, both in winter and in summer the fun and good time is the same, for both children and adults (Herastrau hotel comes equipped with playground, bar, pizza fast foods). The guarded parking lot comprises 100 parking places.
���Accommodation, rooms and Hotel's amenities
��The hotel is made up of 25 double rooms (10 with French beds, 15 with twin beds), 2 Suites, 1 Duplex Apartment with 2 double bedded rooms, 5 cabins (duplex type with 1 living room downstairs and 1 twin rooms bedroom). Total accommodation places: 68 seats, extra bed is at 25�/day.
���The Restaurant comprises 6 saloons as it follows:
�����"Central" Saloon - 200 seats
�����"Diplomat" Saloon - 200 seats
�����"Rosu" Saloon - 150 seats
�����"Miresei" Saloon - 80 seats
�����"Romanian" Saloon - 70 seats
�����"Bleu" Saloon - 60 seats
Accettiamo:VISA, MasterCard,
VISA Electron & Maestro
Commenti dei nostri Clienti:
kirt68 (UK) - 11/15/2007
The hotel was nice and the rooms were comfortable. The staff were at times abrupt. The breakfast was basic. The location was brilliant as the hotel is not in the main town. The door staff are excellent.
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